Bjorn Heyning's Pictures for Volume One, Supplement Two of
Heath Stories
This document was updated on Sunday, 2 February 2003.
Note: The following illustrations appeared in the
supplement. The captions are Bjorn's.
- hsp25.jpg (15K):
Test flight of Heath model 1375 fiberglass floats, mounted on a
Piper J-3 plane, over Lake Erie, probably in 1953. It appears
that Howard Anthony sold the floats and design to Replac Corp.
in Cleveland after he cancelled the test flight in June 1947. Photo
from the files of Gene D. Woods.
- hsp26.jpg (27K):
Dedication of SB-104 SSB Equipment at ARRL, probably late 1974.
David Nurse, Jim Cooperider, Al Robertson, Joe Shafer, and in the
foreground, at the microphone, Mike Elliot.
- hsp27.jpg (18K):
Man and plane. Roger Lorenzen towering over "Baby Bullet", the
racing plane tailored to fit Ed Heath's small and light (110 lbs)
body. Ed won many races in it, and its 150 MPH speed with only
a 32 hp engine is unequaled to this day, says Roger, who carved
the propeller for it in the late 20's. (from R. Lorenzen's file)
- hsp28.jpg (24K):
Propellers. Roger Lorenzen and some of the thousands of propellers
he carved, including the 16-footer for the vertical windtunnel of
the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics labs at Langley,
VA. (from R. Lorenzen's file)
- hsp29.jpg (33K):
A page with sixteen pictures of the following individuals (from
left-to-right, top-to-bottom): Jerry Smith, Lucille Mallory, Fred
Eckler, Rudy Lechner, Bill Willis, Don Rupley, Fred Kinsey, Joe
Ludlam, Carl Phleger, Marge Lindberg, Bill Hanna, Ted Harris,
Bud Taylor, George Meyer, Ray Freridge, Bud Lange, Dave Fenton,
Joe Shafer, Ruth Menchinger, and Bjorn Heyning.
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Bill Wilkinson's Heath Company page.
If you have something you'd like to contribute, please tell
me about it.
This page is Copyright © 1998, 2003, by
William A. Wilkinson. All rights reserved. The illustrations
that are linked to from this page are the property of the
Heyning family.