I've occasionally talked to the late Mr. Heyning during my time at Heath Company. He'd worked there almost from its inception until he retired in his late '70s. I recall him as a tall man who was always polite. After he retired, he wrote a two-volume book (softbound) about the history of Heath Company. It included stories of Ed Heath and Howard Anthony (company founder and his successor, respectively), among others.
During the late '80s or early '90s, a fellow Heath employee, Ed Mosher, gave me copies of Bjorn's work (two volumes and four supplements). I read them, enjoyed them, and hung onto them when I moved from one place to another over the years. I'd mentioned them on my Heath Company Page but didn't pay much attention to them until I received an email from Bjorn's daughter, Katharina Heyning, in the summer of 1997.
Katy discovered my Heath page when she was using one of the popular search engines to find out more about the Heyning family. After exchanging some email, she (and the rest of the Heyning family) gave me permission to place Bjorn's documents on the Web.
So here it is: Bjorn gathered stories about Heath Company, wrote many of the articles himself, published the documents at his own expense, and freely distributed them. Heath Company was a great place to work and Bjorn wanted to share his memories of those times. Since that agrees with my sentiments, I'm making Bjorn's books available on the Web. The only editing I've done was to correct some typos made by the optical character reader software. Feel free to download the following text and pictures for off-line reading. If you want to make copies and distribute them, please get permission from the Heyning family.