Bjorn Heyning's Pictures for Volume Two, Supplement One of Heath Stories

This document was updated on Tuesday, 1 June 2004.
(Only internal changes to the HTML.)

Note: The following illustrations appeared in the supplement. Their captions are Bjorn's. Because this supplement has several pictures mingled with the text (instead of at the end of the document as was done previously), I've made some comments in the following list to point out their locations. I've also added some personal comments in italics where appropriate. Unless noted otherwise, the pictures appear left to right, top to bottom. --Bill Wilkinson)

The following pictures appear on the pages following HEATH STORIES #49.

The following pictures appear on the pages following HEATH STORIES #50.

The following pictures appear on the pages following HEATH STORIES #51.

Note: The first four pictures are directly associated with that article, MY "MOST FORGETTABLE" STORY, which deals with Terry Perdue's struggle to convert the 2-meter HW-2026 transceiver into the HW-2036. You'll enjoy those four pictures more if you go back and read HS-51, first. (BTW, I was a technician in the Omaha store (HEC #45) when the HW-2026/2036 problem came up. A few years later, I'd written a couple of service manuals about products Terry had designed.)

The following pictures appear on the pages following HEATH STORIES #52.

The following pictures appear on the pages following HEATH STORIES #53.
The following picture appears at the end of HEATH STORIES #54.

Go to Bjorn Heyning's Heath Stories page.

Go to Bill Wilkinson's Heath Company page.

If you have something you'd like to contribute, please tell me about it.


This page is Copyright © 1998, 2003, 2004, by William A. Wilkinson. All rights reserved. The illustrations that are linked to from this page are the property of the Heyning family.