Note: The following illustrations appeared in the supplement. Their captions are Bjorn's. Because this supplement has several pictures mingled with the text (instead of at the end of the document as was done previously), I've made some comments in the following list to point out their locations. I've also added some personal comments in italics where appropriate. Unless noted otherwise, the pictures appear left to right, top to bottom. --Bill Wilkinson)
Heath Stories #55
The following pictures appear on the pages following
Date issued: January 2, 1930
Age: 41
Weight: 120
Height: 5' 4"
Color hair: Brown
Color eyes: Brown
This Certifies, That the pilot whose photograph and signature appear heron is a Transport Pilot of "Aircraft of the United States." The holder may pilot all types of licensed aircraft, but may transport passengers in hire only in such classes and types specified in the accompaning Pilot's Rating Authority which is made a part thereof. (The rest is illegible--Bill Wilkinson)
Our Bolted Type "Parasol" Fuselage
This type of construction is recommended for all home builders and is supplied with all knocked-down bills of materal unless otherwise specified. This type of construction requires little equipment and skill to assemble but is not so fast to produce as the welded fuselage where jigs are used.Welded Type Fuselage
[Top Picture, hsp96a.jpg (41K).]The welded type fuselage is used in our Flyaway "Parasol." This type of fuselage is not recommended for the home builder unless he be a skilled welder. Our bolted type fuselage may be assembled with little equipment or skill.
Bolted Type Fuselage
[Center Picture, hsp96b.jpg (27K).]The fuselage is of modern steel tube construction. The pilot is comfortably seated on the floor of the fuselage and has ample leg room and perfect vision.
The "Parasol" Wings
[Center Picture, hsp96c.jpg (26K).]The wings of the "parasol" are of conventional design and construction, having spruce spars and spruce ribs and webs. Two panels are used, pinned together without center section. They are supported above the fuselage by two V-struts, one in front and one aft of the cockpit, and two steel tube struts on each side of the fuselage, running from the bottom longerons to about sixty per cent of the length of the wing panels.
A fuel tank of 5 gallons capacity is fitted in the center of wings; out of the way and providing the necessary gravity feed. As the plane will travel some 40 miles on a gallon of gas, the capacity is therefore sufficient to provide a cruising radius of over 200 miles. An additional tank could, of course, be fitted in the opposite wing, if desired.
The Clark "Y" wing section is now famous as the section that carried Lindbergh over the ocean in the Spirit of St. Louis. In the last Ford Reliability Tour the Mahoney Monoplane (constructed by the builders of the Spirit of St. Louis) left the ground cuicker and landed slower with the full load than any plane in the tour.
It is because of these characteristics that the Hath "parasol" has such phenomenal take-off, climbing ability and low landing speed. Because of these characteristics this plane can be flown for hours with the throttle only 1/3 open.
By careful development work we have brought out a rib weighing but 3-1/2 oz. and which will carry a load of 12 times the normal load.
This will give some conception of the quality, workmanship and engineering skill built into this plane.
Because of the relatively great thickness it is possible to construct these wings very light and still have great strength. The wings for the "Parasol" only weigh 34 lbs. each side, covered and ready for use.
The spars are conventional type made from the finest aircraft spruce. Wing tips are of steel tube with gracefully rounded ends. Ailerons hinge from the top of rear spar, thereby increasing control leverage and at the same time making aileron hinges handy for inspection and for removal. The covering is a special light plane fabric having the quality of the heavy fabric but weighing only 60 per cent as much. Stock finish is aluminum pigmented unless otherwise specified. Othere colors may be supplied at slight additional cost.
A Veritable Air Flivver at Flivver Prices!
A vast amount of interest has been stirred up lately in the type of plane that can be flown by private owner or a small flying club and that can be purchased and operated with as little expense as a small automobile. However, the production of a really successful light plane that can be purchased at a price within reach of the general public, is one phase of the light plane development that in the past has made very little progress.The interest is here. Thousands of men and young men are wishing for the opportunity to buy or build a plane that is within reach of their pocketbooks and that really flies with the ease and security of a big plane. Yet, until now nothing has been produced to satify this demand. A ready-built plane was too expensive, and a home-built affair usually never left the ground. So we have taken advantage of this psychological moment to bring out for the first time in the history of the aviation industry a practical little single-seater sport plane that embrase the feature so much sought after during the past decade by aeronautical engineers in all parts of the world.
The tiny ship is compact and simple and is easily handled on the field. It is o light in wight that two men can lift it bodily off the ground. Yet, nothing has been sacrificed to provide an ample safety factor throughout. The ship is aerodynamically correct in design and is constructed with the same care and thoroughness employed in the manufacture of the latest transports.
The ship is built for $975.00 but because many young men who desire to fly cannot afford even that low price we have arranged to sell the plans and materials so that they can build it at home and own an airplane without the large expenditure which is commonly associated with flying.
The "Parasol" Combines Gracefulness with Utility
The "Parasol" is a graceful monoplane of exceptionally clean lines. It is the result of many years of experience along this line, and embodies a culmination of new ideas in construction. Unlike other light planes that were built only for racing and exhibition purposes and were consequently frain in construction and tricky to fly, our "Parasol" was designed especially to meet the demand of a practical sport plane.The "Parasol" is sturdy in construction, safe and easy to fly, and low in cost and maintenace. It is a true sport plane of marvelous stability and excellent performance. The cowling is finished with constrasting colors at customer's option.
The little ship embodies an inherent stability that makes it safe in the hands of the amateur who has but a few hours' flying experience. The ship flies for long stretches with the hands off the controls, and, infact, it has been demonstrated that turns can be made with hands off controls. This is a feat that is impossible with most big planes.
Novel Feature Embodied in "Parasol"
The "Parasol," so called because of its overhead wing, embodies some improvements not found in any other sport plane that makes it possible to construct the plane quickly and inexpensively and sell it to the retail trade at a remarkably low figure.For Sport or Business, the Utmost in Safety and Efficiency
For the Experienced Pilot or the Student Who Desires to Build up "Time"
Aside from its usefulness as a sport plane, the "Parasol" provides a wonderful attraction at fairs and other outdoor gatherings. Hundreds will flock around this little plane where they would not pay any attention to a big plane, which is no longer a novelty.You can construct the "Parasol" yourself and sell it at a profit. Look over the list of material needed, the unusually low prices, and then consider the simplicity of construction. Anybody can build the "Parasol" and be assured success.
The "Parasol" not only low in original cost, but also in upkeep, and it is, therefore, an ideal plane for the student who desires to put in some more "time" after his solo flight in order to obtain a position as pilot or obtain a Goverenment license. The "Parasol" is entirely safe in the hands of any one having had a few hours of instruction.
Price of Material Needed in the Construction of the "Parasol" Fuselage $39.94 Instrument and cowl support $ 5.89 Controls 2.53 Tail unit 13.59 Pilot seat 2.32 Landing gear 39.68 Tail skid .77 Center wing supports 3.71 Cowling 4.94 Outer wing supports 10.45 Engine mounting 3.44 Wings, gas tank, ailerons 76.00 TOTAL COST IF PURCHASED SEPARATELY (varies slightly with market). $222.42 SPECIAL PRICE ON COMPLETE BILL OF MATERIAL, $199.00; BOXING, $5.00
Blueprints Notice Complete set of blueprints, showing construc-
tion details and including an itemized list ofAny parts that are found defective may be returned
to us upon receiving shipping instructions from needed, bolted type $5.00 Welded Fuselage Prints, extra 2.00 In case of damage in transit, notify your express or Prints of Wings, only 2.00 freight agent as once and have him verify damage. Prints--Anzani "Parasol" 3.50 Prints--Henderson Conversion .65 Prints--Pontoons 2.00 ALL PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE Prints--Skis .75 WITHOUT NOTICE
General Specifications of the "Parasol" Span 25 ft. Stabilizer area 5.5 sq. ft. Useful load 300 lbs. Chord 4 ft. 6 in. Rudder area 3.8 sq. ft. Gas capacity 5 gals. Angle of incidence 1 degree Length over all 16 ft. 9 in. Oil capacity 6 qts. Wing area 110 sq. ft. Height over all 5 ft. 10 in. High speed 70 m.p.h. Aileron area 10 sq. ft. Weight, empty 260 lbs. Landing speed 28 m.p.h. Elevator area 5.2 sq. ft. Rate of climb (first minute) 600 ft. Cruising radius 200 miles Performance of Anzani model practically same as above
Price of "Parasol" COMPLETELY ASSEMBLED, READY TO FLY AWAY AT CHICAGO Equipped with Heath-Henderson motor $975.00 ALL ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY "Parasol" complete, but without motor $690.00 AT LEAST ONE-THIRD IN CASH; BALANCE Anzani "Parasol," without motor or mount 750.00 C.O.D. OR SIGHT DRAFT. Export orders must be accompanied by Cash in Full, TERMS and a reasonable amount for crating and shipping If crating is required for shipment by rail, a small charges must be included. Personal checks must be extra charge will be made, viz.: certified. Crating complete plane $18.00 The duty on aircraft material to most foreign Boxing, motor only 3.00 countries, such as Canada, is in the neighborhood of 33 per cent.
Price, Complete Bill of Material, $199.00 HEATH AIRCRAFT CORPORATION Formerly HEATH AIRPLANE COMPANY, Inc. PHONE LINCOLN 6196 1721-29 Sedgwick Street Chicago, Illinois
Heath Stories #61
The following picture appears below the first page of
Heath Stories #62
The following group photos of Heath employees supporting Ralph Lhotka for City Commissioner appear on the pages following
Go to Bjorn Heyning's Heath Stories page.
Go to Bill Wilkinson's Heath Company page.
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